Friday, July 27, 2012

Legacy of a Newbie Blogger

The past few days I reread Lyn Cryderman's "Glory Land - A Memoir of a Lifetime in Church." He reminded me of the songs, the sermons, the flannelgraphs, the colored paper, and white paste of Sunday School. The tales he recounted as he traced his faith, took me back to my own journey in the church, one I hope to pass along to generations to come.


Sharon Lynne said...

I loved the flannel boards when I was young. I miss those!

I'm so glad you have started a blog. You'll have great fun...and an outlet for your thoughts and writing.

I'll look forward to visiting!

Unknown said...

You were part of my inspiration because I love to read your blog. Thanks Sharon.

G8Press ~Debby said...

This is going to be a great blog, Marilyn. I know you have stories to tell and wisdom to impart. Can't wait to read more.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you join the world of bloggers. What an awesome tool to share experiences and God's grace.

Brenda Powell